Über mich
I am Liza, a yoga teacher & dancer, born and raised in the incredible beautiful land of Costa Rica. 2006 I moved to Berlin. I am a simple human being, woman, wife and mother of three incredible kids.
I love to see all kind of people enjoying the possibilities of their bodies, connecting to their soul, their essence as individuals, finding awareness of their breath and the magic of their unique bodies.
I love to give, to share not only knowledge. I believe that just a smile, a nice eye contact or how you talk to people can make someone’s day shine brighter.
For this very reason teaching has become essential, is a great moment to cultivate giving and sharing our experiences through our practice together.
I am incredible good at smiling, maybe too much sometimes, but I do believe in cheering up people, is part of me. I am a motivator, a listener and a very positive person from nature, and because of nature.
I am very proud that I can actually work in a job which I adore to do, finding a healthy balance from work-love , self-love and family-love.
I am here to make you remember that life should be more simple, we should laugh more, we should enjoy the journey more than the goal itself and enjoy the everyday little presents of life. As simple as the sun is shining, I’m healthy, I inhale and exhale, and I love myself every day more because I know myself better.
Respect every human being, spread Love, practice selfLove and let’s love our planet.
- Liza finished her Yogalehrerausbildung / Yoga Teacher Training im Yoga Sky, YTT 200 hours in 2018 and 300/500 hours in 2021
- Vinyasa-Hatha Yogalehrerausbildung / Yoga Teacher Training 500+hours.
(E-RYT 200, RYT 500 und YACEP Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider - Dance Studies „Conservatorio El Barco“ San José, Costa Rica(2002-2005)