Liza Alpízar Aguilar Katrin Caspar 02/07/2022

About me

I am Liza, a yoga teacher & dancer, born and raise in the incredible beautiful land of Costa Rica. since 2006 moved to Berlin. I love to see all kind of people enjoying the possibilities of their body’s, connecting to their soul, their essence as individual, finding awareness of their breath and the magic of their unique body’s .

Current Yoga Classes

Amongst others, I teach Vinyasa Yoga at Yoga Sky and FamilyRocks bouldering hall Oranienburg. Besides that I give workshops and individual private lessons.

Vinyasa Yoga
Level I-III, at Yoga Sky Berlin
Prenatal Yoga
Berlin arounds and online
Private Yoga Sessions
by appointment

Dance and Performances

Performance with

Sasha Waltz & Guests „Kreatur“

Radial System, Berlin
25. – 28.08.2022 
read more

Performance with

Rubato Company „Sehnsucht“

Ufer Studios, Berlin
04. – 09.10.2022